Monday, April 15, 2013

missing you...

so, here i am in san francisco married to my best of best friends and on this gorgeous fucking day i'm thinking about the one thing i left behind in nyc that i'm still pining for today...

my 500 watt subwoofer.

this one's for you, bass...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

sure. why not...

- Posted from my iPhone

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

we're here until we're not. a blink in time, our lives. do what you want, not what you should.

that's it. enjoy your day. and your blink in time.

- Posted from my iPhone

Thursday, October 8, 2009


if you don't know, you never will...

- Posted from my iPhone
...yeah, i'm still alive...

- Posted from my iPhone

Sunday, August 30, 2009

funny einstein quote...

"two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."

Sunday, May 3, 2009

two quotes, one book:

'when my mother didn't come back i realized that any moment could be the last. nothing in life should simply be a passage from one place to another. each walk should be taken as if it is the only thing you have left.'


'across the table i caress the side of his jaw, marveling at the way life can suddenly allow us to experience happiness and ecstasy with someone who is a complete stranger.'

- peter hoeg, 'smilla's  sense of snow'

Sunday, April 12, 2009

life is weird.

it just is.


Sunday, March 1, 2009


'the urge to destroy is a creative urge.'

- don delillo

a similar sentiment was shared in simone de beauvoir's "all men are mortal." 

just something to think about...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

a quote:

"maybe it's not necessary to pray to anyone. the early desert mothers said that god is without form, color, or content. perhaps prayer isn't a matter of praying to anyone. perhaps it's an active way of giving up. maybe that's precisely what you need: to give up, without going under. the words could be anything whatsoever, as long as they speak to the heart. for example, they could be bach's cantatas."

- the abbess, peter hoeg's "the quiet girl"

Monday, February 16, 2009

...and now it's february...

i know it's beyond cliche to say time has been cruising at least at mach 4, maybe 5 - but it has. 

there've been very few material changes in my life since my last post, but it feels like it's settled into a distinct groove. distinctly different than where i was six or even three months ago. but more about that later. maybe.

let's talk tunes first. a whole lotta amazing shit happening out there in musicland - even in my itsy bitsy locale situated in the backwoods of the hinterlands in musicland!

right now i have alva noto's xerrox vol. 2 subtly warping my aural parameters though my grado's. wow. over the last several months, i've been exploring the 'modern classical' genre. this album by noto's been blowing my mind, as well as jacaszek's treny, coh's strings, ezekiel honig's surfaces of a broken marching band, fennesz's black sea and several others. very, very cool shit. 

what is this 'modern classical' characterization, you ask? well, dearest friend, i'm super glad you asked. ha! well, it appears this designation is reserved for music composed for both string-based classical instruments and some type of electronic music - ambient noise, field recordings, experimental electronica, and/or analog feedback. the textures, atmosphere and the layers allow for a complexly immersive experience or mind-bogglingly engaging background music to a good read. yes, music to make me smile.

okay, so that's a recommendation. check some of those artists out.

just so you know, i'm running on about two cylinders from some pretty mediocre smoke. my normal options aren't available to me, so i'm slumming it smoking some no-name shit. not quite regs, but really fucking close. ah, well - such are the vagaries of life...

rather than boo-hoo all over my clean, white t-shirt, i'm going to ramble about this mind-fuckery of a show i saw last week.

give me a second. gonna need a hit for this...

so, i went to the ontological-hysteric theater at st. mark's church in the east village. i love this venue. really. they're one of the few spaces in manhattan for truly experimental, almost psychedelic theater and music. the production i saw that night, 'astronome: a night at the opera' is described as a 'richard foreman/john zorn music/theater collaboration.' yeah. if you've got even the faintest idea who either of these artists are, then you have the merest hint of the...god, i was about to use the word 'experience' - but it's so over-used. ha! yes, experience that severed yet another thread connecting me to mainstream america and what's passing for sanity these days. 

what. a. mind. fuck.

but, you know, in a good way...

wow. that was a pretty big hit. sorry for the tease, but it seems i've lost the ability to 


part deux in the near future...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


so, another year gone with nary a yelp.

perhaps i'm just in a weird headspace, but, with my advanced years, it feels as though time is accelerating while my productive output is decreasing.

'course, we could talk at length about my productive output and whether or not that's a misnomer for my periodic and circuitous meanderings.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

what up, y'all?

really, what's been going on with you?
uh huh?
that's kinda cool, but didn't it hurt?
ha! you're pulling my leg!
oh. sorry. it just sounded like a bizarre plot from some crazed tv show.
yeah, that's why i apologized.
what the fuck?! i said i was sorry!
whatever, man.
dude, that's fucked up. i'm outta here.
fuck you.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

'take your pleasure seriously.'

- charles eames

Sunday, September 14, 2008

'the more you live a certain way, the less it feels like freedom.'

- bob dylan