Monday, July 30, 2007

I think most people distract themselves through life...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


yeah, it's been a while. whatever.

so, i'm sitting here engaging in one of my pastimes - reading liberal/progressive political blogs - and an epiphany occurred. maybe i should say almost occurred.

my apologies, it is a little muddled...

quick aside: merzbow's merzbird is on the system. what fucking incredible sonic nuances this man can project with feedback and static! i bend the knee in respect...

my epiphany. i was at doin' what i do - being amazed that conservatives don't see the *obvious* sense most progressive policies are based on. not democratic, progressive. it's, like, "really? are politicians that oppose these policies/courses of action that corrupt or retarded?!" even today with gonzales's appearance before the house judiciary committee, republicans - excluding specter, he's doing a pretty good job expressing outrage - should be fucking insulted their party leader, bush, is allowing gonzales to force this unmitigated crap down their throats! come on, this guy remembers nothing?!

for some reason, in the midst of my monumental puzzlement, i remembered robert persig's book, 'zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance' and it's theme of the philosophical necessity of dynamic and static moral coding systems in material and intellectual development.

yes, yes, i'm smoking a salad of some leftover humboldt and silver haze. yum. tasty...


i'm not going to even try and give coherent definitions for 'dynamic' and 'static' systems of 'quality.' i highly recommend -- he he, i said 'high' he he -- this book. it introduces an engaging and consistent (yes, engaging!) scientific theory that encompasses quantum theory, sociology, and philosophy. you'll love it.

...and it inspired me to get a motorcycle and teach myself to ride in college... VROOM!

the epiphany: maybe conservative thinkers are necessary to stabilize and institutionalize progressive thought for society's advancement. progress has to be grounded on something - it has to be progressing from a definable state. conservative thought tends to be traditionalist in nature, codifying progression of past generations. without the dynamic potential in progressive thought tamed and concretized into our societal framework by conservative processes - in essence, made static - then progressive ideas would only be experienced by the few capable of understanding them in their initial complexity. this limited dissemination of developmental knowledge could hinder the growth of the species. i think. conservatives are those that bring progressive ideas to the unwashed masses by a remarkably effective process involving simplification of thought/message, repetition, and utilization of irrational reinforcement systems.

that's a helluva run-on sentence. boys'n girls - caffeine and the green might seem like a good idea...

i say 'irrational reinforcement system' because the herd tends to lack the mental capacity to understand the inherent logic of progressive thought, so, therefore, require 'supernatural' reinforcement to engage in behaviors beneficial to our species.

yep, i said it. most people are too stupid to understand the logic in new ideas and the behaviors that follow and need it to be dumbed down and reinforced with the fear of hell before they'll act.

sure, i'm something of a misanthrope, but that doesn't make me wrong...

anyway, so maybe we need conservative thinkers to keep the herd in line?

welcome back.