Wednesday, December 24, 2008


so, another year gone with nary a yelp.

perhaps i'm just in a weird headspace, but, with my advanced years, it feels as though time is accelerating while my productive output is decreasing.

'course, we could talk at length about my productive output and whether or not that's a misnomer for my periodic and circuitous meanderings.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

what up, y'all?

really, what's been going on with you?
uh huh?
that's kinda cool, but didn't it hurt?
ha! you're pulling my leg!
oh. sorry. it just sounded like a bizarre plot from some crazed tv show.
yeah, that's why i apologized.
what the fuck?! i said i was sorry!
whatever, man.
dude, that's fucked up. i'm outta here.
fuck you.