Wednesday, April 25, 2007

my first meander...

i'm listening to animal collective - forest gospel on hollinndagain - and i'm loving the internal image the intro evokes. the static, intermittent almost, toy-like percussion. very abstract. which is my preference for most music. i enjoy the participatory process of good* experimental music. the listener must contribute for the music to gain transcendence, almost to make sense.

my strong, visceral aversion to a lot of popular music is because of its strong, visceral aversion to participation. with simplistic lyrics and simplistic hooks and choruses, the music forces you down a path not of your choosing. i guess if you like being led in life, you must really fucking love the radio. and mtv. and bet. and pitchfork. and. whatever.

reader. do yourself a favor and purchase this album, pack a bowl of the icky, and enjoy...

* 'good' meaning whatever i happen to have learned to love in music throughout my development. i wouldn't presume to define 'good' for anyone else. although if i think it sounds like crap, i'll tell ya.

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