Sunday, December 9, 2007

joke's on me!

so i'm reading the lastest time out new york issue when i come across the most hilarious of ironies. apparently, this edition's subject du jour (i guess, semaine) is critics, both professional and amatuer. various articles are interviewing critics, critiquing critics, critics critiquing critics, and critics critiquing the rest of us. yes, for sure there's a lot of criticisms being thrown around.

in response to a question assessing professional critics' feelings on the rise of the citizen-critic, linda steel of the new york post responds:

"the internet should come with a warning label: beware any blog that has the words musings, thoughts and ramblings in it. this is as clear a sign of the bad, boring amateur writer as deer poop is for a hunter."

if a meander isn't a musing or a ramble, i don't know what is! it's as if my blog's walking around with a bullseye on its forehead and a sign taped to its back, saying "shoot me in the face if you think i'm self-indulgent and dull!"


well, boys'n girls. you've been warned away by those paid to do so. any meanderings or ramblings encountered from here on out that don't reward with a chuckle or furrowed brow are solely the responsibility of your masochistic desire for bad, boring amateur writing or a congenital inability to be entertained. regardless, any perceived injury or compensation for wasted time can be addressed to...yourself.

until next time!

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