Friday, August 15, 2008

two words:

white. devil.

put those two words together.

roll it, pack it, prep it however you want.

once that appropriately reverent preparation has been completed, put the vessel of choice to your eagerly awaiting lips, light that earthy, pungent bud, close your eyes and...

yes, my friends, take the deepest breath of your life. inhale like you're about to dive to the ocean's depths.

and hold it.

just when your lungs are bursting, screaming for air, exhale.

then sit back and smile.

hope you have some chill tunes a-playing. i've got alva noto and ryuichi sakamoto caressing my mind's ear with minimal, experimental electronics interspersed with some hypnotic piano playing.

yes, lady and gent, this is heaven.

thanks, white devil...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

betwixt my sheets...

clearly, that's the number one answer to the question: where the fuck have you been hiding?

yes, dearest of my dear friends, i've been hiding betwixt my sheets...

what a year! i can't believe summer's coming to an end. god, what they've (you know, the 'they' that says anything worthwhile) been saying is oh so true: the older you get, the faster it goes...

what've i been up to? the usual: books, movies, music, loves (of course, i'm romanticizing some less than stellar liaisons; some downright tawdry! now i'm minimizing. okay, there were great and lesser loves. let's leave it at that) gained and lost, new job, new bong, new ipod (yeah, i was almost mugged back in april - cute story: on the train, some hood dude'n a gun, the first fight of my life later, the dude's running from me. yeah, also my first psychotic break.)

new job: no more homeless. that's all that needs to be said.

so, what's your story? what have you been up to?