Saturday, August 9, 2008

betwixt my sheets...

clearly, that's the number one answer to the question: where the fuck have you been hiding?

yes, dearest of my dear friends, i've been hiding betwixt my sheets...

what a year! i can't believe summer's coming to an end. god, what they've (you know, the 'they' that says anything worthwhile) been saying is oh so true: the older you get, the faster it goes...

what've i been up to? the usual: books, movies, music, loves (of course, i'm romanticizing some less than stellar liaisons; some downright tawdry! now i'm minimizing. okay, there were great and lesser loves. let's leave it at that) gained and lost, new job, new bong, new ipod (yeah, i was almost mugged back in april - cute story: on the train, some hood dude'n a gun, the first fight of my life later, the dude's running from me. yeah, also my first psychotic break.)

new job: no more homeless. that's all that needs to be said.

so, what's your story? what have you been up to?

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