Monday, May 14, 2007

i wonder...

i wonder if weed's pretty well documented impairment of short-term memory is related to it's capacity to enhance our perception of direct experience? yes, i understand that my beloved maryjane's an hallucinogenic, but it also facilitates attention and focus on whatever's occurring 'now.'

i wonder if short-term memory impairment is the byproduct of sensory information overload that happens when altered or, yes, stoned? perhaps cerebral resources are being allocated to receiving more input from our participation with the present rather than encoding that information?

which, of course, leads to the burning and slightly stinging question of the hour: is it more beneficial to immerse one's self in the present and maximize resonance or reduce our attention to the present and all its incredibly detailed and minute beauty to ensure encoding of a smaller amount of experience for future retrieval?

'course, the ideal would be maximizing resonance without hallucinogenic aid.

but what fun is that?

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