Thursday, May 17, 2007


so, i've started smoking again......cigarettes.

silly, huh? obviously, smoking is retarded. the vast majority of smokers know smoking is beyond the farthest reaches of silly. yet, we smoke.

i've been smoking on and off for about seven years. i had quit about three months ago, then...

spring in new york...

what better reason to stand outside feeling the rays hit your face, hear the warm wind in the trees, and take deep breaths of the, well, smoke?

the nicotine's not really my issue. i'm madly in love with all the behaviors and rituals surrounding the smoking process.

smoking after a meal while relaxedly leaning back in your chair.

taking a break from the office to go outside, look in the sky and inhale.

reaching behind you to grab that pack, still sweaty from that mind-tearing fuck.

something to do when waiting for a friend at the street corner.

the perfect excuse to get away from the bothersome at any social gathering.

a stalling tactic in the middle of an argument when your mind's gone blank.

okay, i'm wandering.

clearly, cigarettes aren't all i'm smoking.

time for a puff.

or two.

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