Thursday, May 17, 2007

music musings...

...the best instrumental, lyric-less music create narratives as descriptive, structured, riveting, and cathartic as the best lyric-ful compositions.

good purely instrumental pieces introduce core elements, or characters, and weave an encompassing narrative incorporating secondary elements that provide counterpoint to the core elements.

non-lyrical music can evoke similar feelings as expressive vocalization - curiosity, anticipation, giddiness, darkness/sadness, anger, elation, and closure.

in some ways, instrumental compositions - in the participatory process inherent to subjective mediums - allows for stronger resonance as participation in an experience is akin to creation.

you're not limited by someone else's simplistic or incomprehensible verbalizations about a specific story.

its lack of structure - and forgive me for repeating ramblings from a previous post - allows for two general reactions, lack of interest if one doesn't have the imagination to make the experience participatory or engagement as one allows their personal understanding of the world to interpret and give meaning to the music.

resonance/harmony with others and the other.

to high to continue...

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